Giellesse Italy Lead time 40 days

Catalogue Giellesse: Catalogue Day Collection, page 89 of 104

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A destra, madie Frame rovere
termocotto, ante in alluminio
brunito e vetro fumè. Nella
pagina successiva, composizione
Frame laccato opaco grigio
astro. Poltroncina Halo rovere
termocotto e rivestimento in
pelle testa di moro. Tavolini
Jerry rovere termocotto e
laccato opaco argilla.
On the right, Frame sideboards
in thermo treated oak and
burnished doors with smoke
grey glass. Next page, Frame
composition in matt lacquered
grigio astro. Halo armchair In
thermo treated oak and dark
brown leather covering. Jerry
coffee tables in thermo treated
oak and matt lacquered argilla.