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Catalogue Giellesse: Catalogue Day Collection, page 53 of 104

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Nelle pagine precedenti e in
questa, composizione Flexus
rovere coal e laccato opaco grigio
peltro. Composizione Frame
in rovere coal e laccato opaco
ottanio. Divani Austin rivestiti in
tessuto. Poltroncina Halo rovere
coal e rivestimento in tessuto.
Tavolino Hans rovere coal e
cristallo nero. Tavolino tondo
Jerry laccato opaco ottanio.
Pouf Soft Square in tessuto.
On the previous page and this,
Flexus composition in coal oak
and matt lacquered grigio peltro.
Frame composition in coal oak
and matt lacquered ottanio.
Austin sofas and cushions with
fabric covering. Halo armchair in
coal oak and fabric. Hans coffee
table in coal oak and black glossy
glass top. Jerry coffee table matt
lacquered ottanio. Soft Square
pouf stool in fabric.