inout 137
tech specs page 292
inout 33, 34
tech specs page 286
inout 133, 134
tech specs page 289
inout 837, 838
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inout 871, 872
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inout 834, 836
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inout 143,
144, 155
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inout 847, 848
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Il piacere del convivio all’aria aperta declinato
in tante forme diverse. La mescolanza di materiali non
convenzionali per l’outdoor eppure perfettamente idonei
– come ceramica, marmo, cemento, alluminio o acciaio –
suggerisce nuovi modi di pensare la tavola all’aperto,
che sia per tanti ospiti o per pochi intimi.
The joy of outdoor entertaining
articulated into lots of different
forms. The mix of non-
conventional, yet perfectly
suitable outdoor materials - such
as ceramics, marble, cement,
aluminium or steel - suggests
new ways of conceiving the
outdoor table whether for large
groups or close relatives and
inout 35, 36, 39
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inout 133, 134
tech specs page 289
jeko 11, 31, 33
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inout 871, 872
tech specs page 311
inout 834, 836
tech specs page 301
inout 847, 848
tech specs page 307
inout 933,
938, 955
tech specs page 315
Il piacere del convivio all’aria aperta declinato
in tante forme diverse. La mescolanza di materiali non
convenzionali per l’outdoor eppure perfettamente idonei
– come ceramica, marmo, cemento, alluminio o acciaio –
suggerisce nuovi modi di pensare la tavola all’aperto,
che sia per tanti ospiti o per pochi intimi.
The joy of outdoor entertaining
articulated into lots of different
forms. The mix of non-
conventional, yet perfectly
suitable outdoor materials - such
as ceramics, marble, cement,
aluminium or steel - suggests
new ways of conceiving the
outdoor table whether for large
groups or close relatives and
Die ganze Vielfalt des
Vergnügens, im Freien zu
speisen. Die Mischung von
Materialien – wie Keramik,
Marmor, Beton, Aluminium oder
Stahl -, die in Außenbereichen
eher ungewöhnlich, aber bestens
geeignet sind, regt neue Formen
des Essens im Freien an, ob in
großer Runde oder im kleinen
Le plaisir de recevoir dehors
décliné sous de nombreuses
formes différentes. Le mélange
de matériaux non conventionnels
et pourtant tout à fait adaptés à
un usage extérieur – comme la
céramique, le marbre, le béton,
l’aluminium ou l’acier – suggère de
nouvelles façons de penser la table
d’extérieur, que ce soit pour un
grand nombre d’invités ou pour un
petit comité.
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