Todos los detalles del diseño de SOLANAS están pensados
para transmitir el carácter comunicativo y apasionado de su
padre, que se hacía patente a las siete de la tarde, cuando
fiel a su ritual, se sentaba con sus afectos a compartir historias
y risas. Daniel Germani ha querido reflejar en la colección este
momento tan querido suavizando la forma de su diseño con
asientos redondeados, y piezas envolventes con las que
crear espacios íntimos.
Every detail in SOLANAS’s design is conceived to reflect
the communicative character and passion of his father,
which he made evident at seven in the afternoon, when
true to his ritual, he would sit down with his loved ones and
share stories and laughter. Daniel Germani wanted to
reflect in the collection this loving approach to life by
using softer forms in the design with rounded edges, pieces
that embrace you and with which to create intimate spaces.
SOLANAS. Daniel Germani.