Manual manufacturing processes and the use of na-
tural materials are two of the most distinctive features
of GAN products. When making our products, we
aim at minimizing our impact on the environment.
This premise is applied starting with the initial design
stages, to guarantee the desired results. When sour-
cing natural materials, such as wool, cotton, linen,
silk or jute, we select those that have been obtained
sustainably and locally, and we minimize the dyeing
cycles as much as possible. At GAN, manufacturing
processes are linked to essentially rural communities,
and in this way, we support their social and econo-
mic development through activities that do not po-
llute. For a few years now, some of our collections are
made with recycled PET threads. GAN supports the
reduction of plastic use worldwide while providing
a longer useful life for existing materials, preventing
it from degrading the environment uncontrollably.
Minimizing our impact
on the environment