M 542 - H 75 - ø 95 - 10 x 40W - E14 - Peso/weight 13 kg
Lampadario 9+1 luci. Struttura in ferro fi nitura oro antico. Elementi
“onde” in cristallo rosso con incisioni in superfi cie. Perlinature in
sfere di vetro bianco. Dettagli in ottone anticato. Chandelier 9+1
lights Iron structure gold leaf fi nished with red crystals “waves” with
engraving on the surface. Pearl-strings made of glass beads. Antique
brass details.
M 542 - H 75 - ø 95 - 10 x 40W - E14 - Peso/weight 13 kg
Lampadario 9+1 luci. Struttura in ferro fi nitura oro antico. Elementi
“onde” in cristallo rosso con incisioni in superfi cie. Perlinature in
sfere di vetro bianco. Chandelier 9+1 lights Iron structure gold leaf
fi nished with red crystals “waves” with engraving on the surface.
Pearl-strings made of glass beads. Antique brass details.
M 542 - H 75 - ø 95 - 10 x 40W - E14 - Peso/weight 13 kg
Lampadario 9+1 luci. Struttura in ferro fi nitura oro antico. Elementi
“onde” in cristallo rosso con incisioni in superfi cie. Perlinature in
sfere di vetro bianco. Dettagli in ottone anticato. Chandelier 9+1
lights Iron structure gold leaf fi nished with red crystals “waves” with
engraving on the surface. Pearl-strings made of glass beads. Antique
brass details.
M 542 - H 75 - ø 95 - 10 x 40W - E14 - Peso/weight 13 kg
Lampadario 9+1 luci. Struttura in ferro fi nitura oro antico. Elementi
“onde” in cristallo rosso con incisioni in superfi cie. Perlinature in
sfere di vetro bianco. Chandelier 9+1 lights Iron structure gold leaf
fi nished with red crystals “waves” with engraving on the surface.
Pearl-strings made of glass beads. Antique brass details.
4. M 428 - P 17 - ø 59 - 8 x 40W - E14 - Peso/weight 4,5 kg
Plafoniera 8 luci. Struttura in ferro policromo e cristalli verdi.
Ceiling fi xture 8 lights. Polychrome iron structure with green crystals.
5. M 400 - P 24 - ø 40 - 6 x 40W - E14 - Peso/weight 3 kg
Plafoniera 6 luci. Struttura in ferro con parte centrale in vetro.
Ceiling fi xture 6 lights. Iron structure with glass shade.
6. M 429 - P 24 - ø 45 - 6 x 40W - E14 - Peso/weight 3 kg
Plafoniera 6 luci. Struttura in ferro policromo con piatto in vetro.
Ceiling fi xture 6 lights. Polychrome iron structure with glass shade.
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11/12/13 17:37