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Catalogue Frigerio: Davis System Sofas, page 7 of 71

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Bracciolo composto da una base in legno
in multistrato imbottito in poliuretano
espanso indeformabile rivestito nello
stesso tessuto o pelle del divano con
libreria fissa in appoggio in metallo
rivestito in cuoio o pelle con cuciture
tono su tono.
Armrest composed by a base in
plywood padded with non-deformable
polyurethane foam covered in the same
fabric or leather of the sofa and fixed
bookcase in metal covered in hide-leather
or leather, with stitches tone-on-tone.
PAG. 101-107
Bracciolo composto da una base
in legno in multistrato imbottito in
poliuretano espanso indeformabile
rivestito nello stesso tessuto o pelle del
divano per appoggio accessori top.
Armrest composed by a base in
plywood padded with non-deformable
polyurethane foam covered in the same
fabric or leather of the sofa for fitting of
accessories top.
PAG. 115-119
Libreria uso bracciolo in legno
multistrato impiallacciato in
differenti finiture.
Bookcase used as armrest in
plywood veneered in different
PAG. 95-99
Bracciolo con base in legno multistrato
imbottito in poliuretano espanso
indeformabile con cuscino rialzabile con
meccanismo, imbottito in poliuretano
espanso indeformabile e rivestito in piuma
d’oca e top per posizionamento accessorio.
Armrest with base in plywood padded with
non-deformable polyurethane foam with
adjustable cushion in height with mechanism,
padded with non-deformable polyurethane
foam covered with goose down and top for
fitting of accessories.
PAG. 113
Bracciolo con base in legno multistrato
imbottito in poliuretano espanso
indeformabile con cuscino rialzabile con
meccanismo, imbottito in poliuretano
espanso indeformabile e rivestito in
piuma d’oca.
Armrest with base in plywood padded
with non-deformable polyurethane foam
with adjustable cushion in height with
mechanism, padded with non-deformable
polyurethane foam covered with goose
PAG. 109-113
armrest TWIN
armrest OUT
armrest STYLE
armrest FREE
armrest IN
armrest CLASS
armrest WAVE
armrest SLIM
armrest BOOK 27
armrest BOOK 36
armrest CASE 36
armrest CASE 56
armrest FLAT 36
armrest FLAT 56
armrestFLAT 74
armrest TOP FLAT 36
armrest TOP FLAT 56
armrest TWIN
armrest OUT
armrest STYLE
armrest FREE
armrest IN
armrest CLASS
armrest WAVE
armrest SLIM
armrest BOOK 27
armrest BOOK 36
armrest CASE 36
armrest CASE 56
armrest FLAT 36
armrest FLAT 56
armrestFLAT 74
armrest TOP FLAT 36
armrest TOP FLAT 56
armrest TWIN
armrest OUT
armrest STYLE
armrest FREE
armrest IN
armrest CLASS
armrest WAVE
armrest SLIM
armrest BOOK 27
armrest BOOK 36
armrest CASE 36
armrest CASE 56
armrest FLAT 36
armrest FLAT 56
armrestFLAT 74
armrest TOP FLAT 36
armrest TOP FLAT 56
armrest TWIN
armrest OUT
armrest STYLE
armrest FREE
armrest IN
armrest CLASS
armrest WAVE
armrest SLIM
armrest BOOK 27
armrest BOOK 36
armrest CASE 36
armrest CASE 56
armrest FLAT 36
armrest FLAT 56
armrestFLAT 74
armrest TOP FLAT 36
armrest TOP FLAT 56
armrest TWIN
armrest OUT
armrest STYLE
armrest FREE
armrest IN
armrest CLASS
armrest WAVE
armrest SLIM
armrest BOOK 27
armrest BOOK 36
armrest CASE 36
armrest CASE 56
armrest FLAT 36
armrest FLAT 56
armrestFLAT 74
armrest TOP FLAT 36
armrest TOP FLAT 56
armrest TWIN
armrest OUT
armrest STYLE
armrest FREE
armrest IN
armrest CLASS
armrest WAVE
armrest SLIM
armrest BOOK 27
armrest BOOK 36
armrest CASE 36
armrest CASE 56
armrest FLAT 36
armrest FLAT 56
armrestFLAT 74
armrest TOP FLAT 36
armrest TOP FLAT 56
armrest TWIN
armrest OUT
armrest STYLE
armrest FREE
armrest IN
armrest CLASS
armrest WAVE
armrest SLIM
armrest BOOK 27
armrest BOOK 36
armrest CASE 36
armrest CASE 56
armrest FLAT 36
armrest FLAT 56
armrestFLAT 74
armrest TOP FLAT 36
armrest TOP FLAT 56
armrest TWIN
armrest OUT
armrest STYLE
armrest FREE
armrest IN
armrest CLASS
armrest WAVE
armrest SLIM
armrest BOOK 27
armrest BOOK 36
armrest CASE 36
armrest CASE 56
armrest FLAT 36
armrest FLAT 56
armrestFLAT 74
armrest TOP FLAT 36
armrest TOP FLAT 56
armrest TWIN
armrest OUT
armrest STYLE
armrest FREE
armrest IN
armrest CLASS
armrest WAVE
armrest SLIM
armrest BOOK 27
armrest BOOK 36
armrest CASE 36
armrest CASE 56
armrest FLAT 36
armrest FLAT 56
armrestFLAT 74
armrest TOP FLAT 36
armrest TOP FLAT 56