august 2020
All under one roof
No. 03_2020
FreiFrau ManuFaktur GmbH & Co. KG . Gildestraße 9 . 32657 Lemgo . phone: +49.5261.97 13 30 0 .
We’ve decided to get out of the city for a while and so have
sent Freifrau art director birgit hoffmann, photographer Wolf-
gang Stahr, and stylist Wolfgang rook out to the Uckermark
region. their mission? to find a unique ambiance in which por-
tray our latest models, including Ona Curved (an extension
to the Ona family), our first indoor-outdoor collection Leya-
sol, and Stella, a wholly wooden chair whose clear design lines
and pared-back form give it a charm all of its own. the shoot
took place at the rote Scheune – red barn – in Fergitz, a villa-
ge around 60 miles north of berlin. a shining example of how
existing buildings can be converted to new purposes, the red
barn was once a cow byre: four years of work by award-win-
ning architect thomas Kröger have transformed it into a bright,
spacious holiday home – the kind of place where dreams hap-
pen. In that, it is like our armchairs, our seats, our sofas: a place
you can just sink into, feel relaxed and comfortable, and rea-
dy for inspiring conversations. a place where you can feel like
you’ve really arrived.