Francesco Molon Italy Lead time 60 days

Catalogue Francesco Molon: MOLON DESIGN 2018, page 70 of 71

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maize bench
cod. S538
W90 x d70 x H46 cm.
W35”3/8 x d27”4/8 x H18”1/8 in.
Panchetta base in acciaio inox e seduta imbottita in pelle capitonnè
Bench stainless steel base and capitonnè leather upholstered sitting
Letto matrimoniale laccato, con dettagli in foglia argento, rivestito in tessuto con lavorazione capitonnè
Lacquered king size bed with silver leaf details, capitonnè fabric upholstering
luna masterbed
cod. h505
W214 x d222 x H163 cm.
W84”2/8 x d87”3/8 x H64”1/8 in.
Italy - Headquarter
Giemme Stile S.p.A.
Showroom and production site 1
Via del Torrione, 16
36060 Romano d’EzzElino (Vi)
Ph. +39 0424 832 600
Production site 2
Via Verona, 1 36020 PoVE dEl GRaPPa
Ph. +39 0424 832 600
Showroom Ca’ Bernardo
Calle Bernardo 2184/a - 2185 - 2195
San Polo - 30125 VEnEzia
Ph. +39 0424 832 600
United States of America
Giemme USA LLC - Showroom & Offices
502 north Hamilton Street
HiGH PoinT - n. CaRolina 27262 U.S.a.
Ph. +1 (336) 882 1880
Russian Federation
Francesco Molon - Showroom & Offices
Bol. Polianka st. 7/10-1 moSCow 119180 - Russia
Ph. +7 499 799 8066 +7 495 953 3662
Ph. +7 495 953 3573
Francesco molon
Showroom & Offices
14, marata Str. 191025
Ph. +7 812 325 48 77
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Francesco molon
Showroom & Offices
P.o. Box: 250 962 – 11391
RiyadH Saudi arabia
Ph. +966 01 466 46 42
Republic of Panama
Francesco molon Panama
Showroom & Offices
Calle aquilino de la Guardia
16 Bella Vista - Panamà
Ph.: +507-391-7577
Ph.: +507-399-60-76
Giemme Stile spa si riserva il diritto di apportare, senza preavviso, ogni mo-
difica mirata al miglioramento funzionale e qualitativo dei propri prodotti. Te-
sti e disegni presenti in questo stampato hanno scopo divulgativo: per ogni
aspetto tecnico e dimensionale fare riferimento ai listini aziendali e relativi
aggiornamenti. I colori e i materiali nelle foto hanno valore indicativo.
Giemme Stile spa reserves the rights at all time to apply modifications for
the functional or qualitative improvement of its products. Texts and drawings
present in this catalogue have a divulgative purpose: for every technical and
dimensional aspect please refer to the company’s price lists and their relative
updatings. The colour and the material in the pictures have an indicative value.
© Copyright by Giemme Stile Spa, Romano D’Ezzelino, Italy - 2018 All rights reserved.
Concept design: P. Bergamin, R. Bandiera, Art Direction and styling: Giemme Stile lab. Photo by Stefano Tonicello. Special thanks to Paolo Marchesi for Milano Skyline photo.
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form by any electronic of mechanical means (including photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval) without permission
in writing from Giemme Stile Spa - Romano d’Ezzelino. For any further information please contact:
[MILANO2018] REV. 02/2019 - Date: 21/03/2019
Si ringrazia la ditta Toscanini per l’oggettistica presente nelle immagini di pagg. 65, 69, 74, 92, 94, 95, 96 e 97
Special thanks to Toscanini for the objects present in the images at pages 65, 69, 74, 92, 94, 95, 96 and 97
divano in ebano makassar con intarsio in madreperla e alluminio satinato, dettagli laccati, rivestimento in tessuto
Ebony makassar sofa with mother-o f-pearl and satin aluminium inlay, lacquered details, fabric upholstered
park avenue sofa
cod. D542
W250 x d91 x H96 cm.
W98”3/8 x d35”7/8 x H37”6/8 in.
Seat height 48 cm. - 18”7/8 in.
park avenue armchair
cod. P542
W111 x d91 x H96 cm.
W43”6/8 x d35”7/8 x H37”6/8 in.
Poltrona in ebano makassar con intarsio in madreperla e alluminio satinato, dettagli laccati, rivestimento in tessuto
Ebony makassar armchair with mother-o f-pearl and satin aluminium inlay, lacquered details, fabric upholstered
dorian armchair
cod. P509
W70 x d72 x H90 cm.
W27”4/8 x d28”3/8 x H35”3/8 in.
Seat height 49 cm. - 19”2/8 in.
Poltroncina con struttura laccata e dettagli in foglia argento, rivestimento in tessuto
Armchair with lacquered structure, silver leaf details, fabric upholstered
FRAnceSco Molon woRldwIde GRoUP