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Catalogue Francesco Molon: MOLON DESIGN 2018, page 66 of 71

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leonardo vertical chest
cod. G540.01
W70 x d46 x H138 cm.
W27”4/8 x d 18”1/8 x H 54”3/8in.
leonardo chest of drawers
cod. G540
W130 x d60 x H85 cm.
W51”1/8 x d 23”5/8 x H 33”4/8in.
comò con struttura e cassetti laccati, dettagli in pelle e profili in alluminio satinato.
Chest with lacquered structure and drawers, leather details and satin aluminum profiles..
comodini con struttura e cassetti laccati, dettagli in pelle e profili in alluminio satinato.
Nightstands with lacquered structure and drawers, leather details and satin aluminum profiles.
comodini con struttura e cassetti laccati, dettagli in pelle e profili in alluminio satinato.
Nightstands with lacquered structure and drawers, leather details and satin aluminum profiles.
leonardo nightstand large
cod. k540.01
W90 x d46 x H50cm.
W35”3/8 x d 18”1/8x H 19”5/8 in.
leonardo nightstand
cod. k540
W60 x d46 x H50cm.
W23”5/8 x d 18”1/8x H 19”5/8 in.
Letto singolo per materasso da 120 cm, con struttura laccata, testata e rifiniture in pelle.
Single bed 120 cm mattress, with lacquered structure, leather headboard and trim.
leonardo bed
cod. h540
W132 x d221 x H140cm.
W52” x d 86”6/8x H 55”1/8in.
boxspring cm 120.x 200

tavolino rotondo con struttura in acciaio satinato e piani in ebano makassar.
Round coffee table with satin steel structure and ebony makassar tops.
colonna porta piante con struttura ellisoidale in ebano Makassar e acciaio spazzolato, base in acciaio spazzolato e ripiani in vetro.
Plant column with an ellipsoidal frame in makassar ebony and brushed steel, brushed steel base and glass shelves.
Poltroncina girevole su base rotante a scomparsa, struttura in ebano makassar , laccato poliestere o Silver rock, rivestimento in pelle o tessuto.
Swivel armchair on a concealed rotating base, makassar structure in ebony makassar , polyester lacquered or Silver rock veneering, covering in leather or fabric.
Poltrona direzionale su ruote in pelle con lavorazione ad impuntura.
Executive armchair on wheels in leather with stitching.
credenza in ebano makassar a 6 ante con cassetti interni, dettagli e maniglie in alluminio satinato.
Sideborad in ebony makassar with 6 doors and internal drawers, satin aluminium handles and details.
Scrivania direzionale in ebano makassar, dettagli in alluminio satinato, top in laccato poliestere lucido o in pelle. Predisposizione per sistema passacavi sul top. Piano di servizio
estraibile sul fronte, 2 cassetti ed un cestone su un lato e un anta sull’altro, cassetto porta penne centrale. Executive desk in ebony makassar, details in satin aluminum, top in glossy polyester
lacquer or in leather. Predisposition for cable entry system on the top. Pull-out service shelve on the front, 2 drawers and a basket on one side and a door on the other, central pen holder drawer.
orbit tall column
cod. U515.01
W72 x d72 x H188 cm.
W28”3/8 x d 28”3/8 x H 74” in.
trafalgar round table
cod. T720
W60 x d60 x H70cm.
W23”5/8 x d 23”5/8 x H 27”4/8 in.
bentley swivel armchair
cod. P541
cod. P541.01
cod. P541.01A
W90 x d75 x H60 cm.
W35”3/8 x d 29”4/8 x H 23”5/8 in.
trafalgar sideboard
cod. C545
W300 x d60 x H91 cm.
W118”1/8x d 23”5/8 x H 35”7/8n.
trafalgar armchair
cod. P700
W71x d82 x H125 cm.
W28” x d 32”2/8 x H 49”2/8in.
trafalgar desk
cod. R700
W240 x d100 x H78 cm.
W94”4/8 x d 39”3/8 x H 30”6/8n.
Settimanale con struttura e cassetti laccati, dettagli in pelle e profili in alluminio satinato.
Vertical chest with lacquered structure and drawers, leather details and satin aluminum profiles.
leonardo young bedroom