Dimensione privata. Per le quattro camere il rapporto col paesaggio rimane centrale, così come
la dimensione più intima che vede la presenza di sedute dalle forme avvolgenti come la poltrona
Dragonfly 20 (a destra) e Ortigia SH (sopra). | In private. For the four bedrooms, the relationship with
the countryside is still key, just as the intimacy of the private domain welcomes enveloping seating
elements, like the Dragonfly 20 armchair (right) and Ortigia SH (above).
he Meolo River runs through
the countryside outside Tre-
viso. The land around its
banks has long been home
to farmhouses and ranches.
Like the one inherited by
Maurizio Guizzo, native
to the area but with a life far from here, in Ge-
neva. Time for a change. «Twenty-five years
ago, I started a graphic design business but I
had always told myself: at some point, I will
let this go and do something new», he recalls
today. Soon, he and his wife, Paola Gherardel-
li, took on the restoration of this piece of land
bordered, like a small island, by water on all
Built in the 1970s, the house is in bad shape.
The couple takes a radical approach: tear it
down (not a listed structure) and rebuild. They
involve a friend in the project, architect Silvio
Stefani, owner of Metamorphosi104, who not
only works in the area but is also a neighbor.
«We had been interested in his work for some
time, we like his approach - the warmth of his
architecture, intelligent use of materials and
natural colors». It took three years to com-
plete the project. With Guizzo still in Geneva,
his wife moved to the Veneto to look after and
guide the creative process, in complete harmo-
ny with the architect. The key consideration
was respect for the landscape - for this coun-
tryside that had remained untouched. The
construction stayed true to the architectural
traditions of the place: «We wanted to create a
building that called to mind – in its size and
proportions – an old Veneto country house.
And, indeed, everyone who comes through the
area thinks that is what it is», remarks Guizzo.