FIAM Italia Italy Lead time 80 days

Catalogue FIAM Italia: Selection 2019, page 53 of 63

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Tavolo con piano in vetro fumé o bronzo
stratificato da 8+8 mm finitura filo
lucido tondo, disponibile anche in vetro
trasparente o extralight da 12 e da 15 mm.
A seconda della misura e della
configurazione desiderata base
composta da 2, 3 o 4 cilindri (Ø 40 cm)
in vetro da 10 mm, fumé, bronzo,
Nero95, trasparente o extralight,
extralight retroverniciato bianco
o retroargentato verniciato bianco.
È possibile realizzare il piano su misura.
Table with a 8 mm + 8 mm laminated
smoked or bronze glass top, shiny
polished edge, also available in
transparent glass or extralight glass
(12 or 15 mm thick). 10 mm-thick curved
glass bases, composed of 2, 3 or 4
cylinders (Ø 40 cm) depending on the size
and the shape requested.
The glass bases available in the following
finishings: transparent, extralight,
extralight white back-stained
or extralight back-silvered white
stained, Black95, smoked or bronze.
It is possible to order custom-sized tops.