FIAM Italia Italy Lead time 80 days

Catalogue FIAM Italia: Selection 2019, page 24 of 63

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Tavolo allungabile con piano in vetro temperato
da 15 mm, rettangolare, prolunghe indipendenti
in vetro temperato da 12 mm lunghe 52 o 41 cm.
Gambe smontabili in vetro curvato da 20 mm
montate a filo del piano. Braccio ruotante
in alluminio finitura brill con piastre in acciaio
inox. Disponibile anche in vetro extralight.
Extensile dining table with rectangular
15 mm-thick tempered glass top and independent
52 or 41 cm-long extensions in 12 mm-thick tempered
glass. Detachable legs in 20 mm-thick curved glass,
placed just under the top edge. Rotating mechanism
in aluminium, gloss finishing and stainless steel plates.
Also available in extralight glass.
ray plus
ray plus
ray plus