Euromobil Italy Lead time 60 days

Catalogue Euromobil: Re_Design 2023, page 78 of 87

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FILÒ basi in laccato opaco bianco ottico, pensili
con vetro fumé serigrafato, boiserie Up con pannelli
laccato opaco bianco ottico e ripiani Bank vetro fumé
con luce LED. Basi a giorno Open in laccato opaco bianco
ottico e ripiani Bank vetro fumé con luce LED. Sistema
estraibile battente Premio Arena style finitura antracite.
FILÒ base units in matt optic white lacquer, wall units with
screen-printed smoked glass panels, Boiserie Up matt
optic white wall panelling and smoked glass Bank shelves
with LED lighting. Open base units in matt optic white
lacquer and smoked glass Bank shelves with LED lighting.
Anthracite-finish Premio Arena style pull-out system.
Laccato opaco
bianco ottico
e vetro fumé
Matt optic white
lacquer and
smoked glass.