Euroluce Lampadari Italy Lead time 60 days

Catalogue Euroluce Lampadari: Accessories, page 28 of 34

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Finitura: oro lucido 24K. Altre finiture su richiesta.
Colori: trasparente effetto Sheen. Altri colori su richiesta.
Particolari: boccia centrale in cristallo effetto diamantato
made in Toscana.Elementi in ottone. Bracciale e ciondoli sono
realizzati a mano su nostro disegno e decorati in oro lucido
24K. Ogni ciondolo ha un significato e un messaggio. È possibi-
le scegliere fra: secret love, secret eternity, secret luck, secret
liberty, secret ladybug. Paralume 34/69 mod. tronco cono in
tessuto crepon fasciato. Paralume 34/66 mod cilindro in tessu-
to crepon fasciato e organza. Passamaneria in velluto.
Ω Per qualsiasi richiesta o differente versione non esitate a contattarci.
Finish: shiny gold 24K. Other finishes on request.
Colors: transparent with Sheen effect. Other colors on request.
Details: central body in crystal material with diamond effect
made in Tuscany. Brass elements. Bracelet and pendants are
produced handmade on our drawing and after they are de-
corated in shiny gold 24K. Each pendants has a message and
meaning. It’s possibile to choose between : secret love, secret
eternity, secret luck, secret liberty, secret ladybug. Shade
34/69 mod. cone with crepon fabric .Shade 34/66 mod. cylin-
der with crepon fabric and organza. Velvet trimmings.
Ω For any request or different version please contact us.
1 E27 x max 60W
45 cm - 17.71”
76 cm - 29.92”