Masseria Bagnara Resort Spa - Lizzano - Italy
Ducale, design EMU D&S Lab, arricchisce la proposta di
ombreggianti a palo centrale Shade by EMU. La struttura in
alluminio a 8 stecche assicura massima stabilità, mentre la
pratica apertura telescopica del telo permette di lasciare gli
arredi sottostanti nella stessa posizione. Completano la
collezione alcuni basamenti appositamente studiati e un kit
luci led di facile applicazione.
Designed by EMU D&S Lab, Ducale is an intriguing addition
to the Shade by EMU range of centre-pole sunshades. The
aluminium frame with its 8 ribs guarantees maximum stability,
while the convenient telescopic opening of the cloth means
that the furniture underneath doesn’t need to be moved. The
collection is completed by a number of specially designed
bases and an easy-to-apply kit of LED lights.