Un classico delle collezioni EMU, Bahama ha attraversato
il tempo grazie al suo design essenziale che l’ha
resa un evergreen dell’arredamento outdoor.
La sua seduta avvolgente e stabile dona comfort
e senso di benessere per momenti di relax
en plein air.
A classic feature of the EMU catalogue, Bahama has
survived the test of time thanks to its essential
design, making it an evergreen of outdoor
furniture. Comfort and a sense of well-being in
moments of relaxation en plein air are assured
by this sturdy and enveloping seating.
Bahama Deck Chairs (Art. 170 color 50-300/46,
23-300/77, 50-300/41, 61-300/76, 60-300/43,
23-300/44, 23-300/42).
pp. 288
Bahama Deck Chairs (Art. 170 color 23-300/42,
22-300/05, 50-300/41, 23-300/77, 41-300/05,
50-300/46, 23-300/44, 61-300/76, 60-300/43).
pp. 289