La collezione Re-Trouvé trae origine da forme tradizionali,
riscoperte e reinterpretate con ironia e originalitá
da Patricia Urquiola. Gli arredi Re-Trouvé
esprimono la loro eleganza e personalitá sia in
contesti classici che in ambientazioni
contemporanee, grazie agli intrecci geometrici a
losanghe ripetute, che creano forme insolite e
The Re-Trouvé collection originates in traditional forms
rediscovered and reinterpreted with cleverness
and originality by Patricia Urquiola. Re-Trouvé
furniture conveys elegance and character in both
classic contexts and contemporary settings,
thanks to the geometric designs consisting of
repeated diamond-shaped patterns that create
rare and charming forms.
Re-Trouvé Armchair (Art. 566 color 24); Seat and Back Cushion (Art. C/566 color 900/71);
Re-Trouvé Pouf (Art. 575 color 23); Seat Cushion (Art. C/575 color 900/71).
Re-Trouvé Chair (Art. 565 color 24); Seat Cushions (Art. C/575 color 900/71); Re-Trouvé Poufs (Art. 575 color 23);
Seat Cushion (Art. C/575 color 900/71); Re-Trouvé Round Table (Art. 569 color 23).