Lineare ed elegante, Tami è un sistema di sedute outdoor
versatile e modulare che si lascia apprezzare
per le sue proporzioni armoniche e le linee nette.
Tami riesce a soddisfare, con pochi semplici
gesti, molteplici esigenze d’uso, trasformandosi
all’occorrenza in sofà o divano a più posti.
Le doghe possono essere in WPC o in un
composito a base di bambù naturale, un materiale
che mantiene inalterate le sue caratteristiche.
Tami is a linear, elegant system of versatile and modular
outdoor seats, which stands out for its harmonic
proportions and clean shapes. Tami is able to
satisfy with a few simple gestures multiple
functional needs, transforming itself into a sofa or
a multi-seater sofa. The slats can be in WPC or in
a composite made of natural bamboo, a material
that maintains its original properties.
Tami Sofas in Bamboo (Art. 763-764-765 color 24-44); Seat, Back and Armrest Cushions (Art. C/770-C/771-C/772 color 600/24);
Armrest and Backrest Frame (Art. 761, 762 color 24-900/75); Coffee Tables in Bamboo (Art. 766-767 color 24-44); Decorative
Cushions (Art. C/701 color 600/27; Art. C/705 color 600/27, 900/75; Art. C/706 color 900/75, 600/27).
Tami Sofas in Bamboo with Angular Frame (Art. 764-769 color 24-44); Seat and Back Cushions (Art. C/770-C/771
color 900/05); Armrest and Backrest Frame (Art. 761, 762 color 24-900/75); Coffee Tables in Bamboo (Art. 766-767 color
24-44). Decorative Cushions (Art. C/701 color 600/13, 900/13); Red Carpet Rug (Art. 3002 color 900/43-900/75).
Tami 3-Seater Sofa in Bamboo (Art. 765 color 24-44); Seat, Back and Armrest Cushions (Art. C/770-C/771-C/772 color 900/77);
Armrest and Backrest Frame (Art. 761, 762 color 24-900/77); Decorative Cushions (Art. C/706 color 900/13; Art. C/705 900/13, 600/28),
Tami 2-Seater Sofa in Bamboo (Art. 764 color 24-44); Seat and Back Cushions (Art. C/770-C/771 color 900/77); Armrest and Backrest
Frame (Art. 761, 762 color 24-900/77); Decorative Cushion (Art. C/701 color 900/13); Coffee Tables in Bamboo (Art. 766-767 color 24-44);
Terra Director's Lounge Chairs (Art. 721 Color 41-200/93-300/67); Decorative Cushion (Art. 701 color 900/18); Terra Director's Lounge
Chairs (Art. 721 Color 24-200/95-300/66); Terra Seat Cushions (Art. C/721 color 600/06); Decorative Cushion (Art. 705 color 900/13).
pp. 113