Un classico delle collezioni EMU, Bahama ha attraversato
il tempo grazie al suo design essenziale che l’ha
resa un evergreen dell’arredamento outdoor.
La sua seduta avvolgente e stabile dona comfort
e senso di benessere per momenti di relax
en plein air.
A classic feature of the EMU catalogue, Bahama has
survived the test of time thanks to its essential
design, making it an evergreen of outdoor
furniture. Its sturdy and enveloping seating
ensures moments of comfort and relax en plein
Bahama Deck Chairs (Art. 170 color 23-300/42,
23-300/44, 60-300/43, 43-300/76, 50-300/41,
88-300/77, 41-300/45, 50-300/46, 17-300/42).
pp. 278
Bahama Deck Chairs (Art. 170 color 41-300/45, 50-300/41,
17-300/42, 88-300/77, 43-300/76, 60-300/43,
23-300/44, 23-300/42, 50-300/46).
pp. 279