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Catalogue EMU: New Collections 2021, page 26 of 31

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L’intreccio di cinghie elastiche, combinate in
modo innovativo alla struttura in alluminio dalle
linee sofisticate, dà vita ad un sistema dallo stile
insolito ed eclettico e dal comfort accentuato.
Yard è una linea completa di sedia, poltroncina,
sgabello, poltrona lounge e sofa, tavoli fissi e
allungabili e tavoli bassi di diverse dimensioni,
adatti anche a contesti indoor.
The interweaving of elastic straps, combined with
an innovative way to the sophisticated aluminum
structure, gives life to a system with an unusual and
eclectic style and great comfort. Yard is a complete line
of chair, armchair, stool, lounge chair and sofa, fixed
and extendable tables and low tables of different sizes,
also suitable for indoor contexts.