Due Effe Lampadari Italy Lead time 80 days

Catalogue Due Effe Lampadari: Brochure, page 5 of 39

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La Due Effe Lampadari, fabbrica creazioni artistiche, è presente sul mercato dell’illuminazione da oltre un trenten-
Due Effe Lampadari has worked about 30 years in the lighting design market.
Фабрика Due Effe Lampadari уже около 30 лет работает в области декоративного освещения.
L’ esperienza acquisita e maturata attraverso lavori con e per artigiani fiorentini, ha consentito alla Due Effe
lampadari di riuscire a trasmettere sensazioni ed emozioni continue agli amanti dell’ alta qualità e a chi
dell’artigianato fiorentino conosce i segreti.
Production was born in Marsala, Sicily, homeland of proficient Italian handicraftsmen. Skills and experience
gained through the collaboration with Florentine masters allow The Due Effe lampadari Company to trans-
mit divine emotions and feelings to those who are keen on high quality products and to those who are
familiar with the beauty of the Florentine handicraft.
Производство было основано в Марсале, на о. Сицилия, - родине искусных итальянских
ремесленников. Опыт работы с флорентийскими мастерами позволяет компании Due Effe lampadari
передавать эмоции и чувства, заложенные в секретах флорентиского кустарного ремесла.
La fabbrica è presente sul mercato dell’illuminazione da oltre un ventennio. Un mix di successo tra tecnologia e
lavorazione artigianale, la continua ricerca di soluzioni innovative ci permette di raggiungere un’eccellente qualità ed
una posizione di leadership tra le aziende produttrici di illuminazione e forniture contract.
Due Effe Lampadari has worked for more than 20 years in the lighting design market. A unique combination of new
technologies and handicraft skills has allowed us to reach the highest quality of our production and to take leading
positions among chandelier manufacturers. This success is due to to professionalism and experience acquired for
years of work, and also thanks to a non-stop searching for innovative solutions.
Фабрика Due Effe Lampadari уже более 20 лет работает в области декоративного освещения. Уникальное
сочетание технологий, кустарного мастерства, а также постоянный поиск инновационных решений
позволило нам достигнуть высочайшего качества нашей продукции и занять лидирующие позиции среди
производителей люстр.