Dielle Italy Lead time 60 days

Catalogue Dielle: Contract, page 4 of 28

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a r r e d o p e r i l s e t t o r e d e l l ’ o s p i t a l i t à a l b e r g h i e r a
f u r n i s h i n g s f o r t h e h o t e l h o s p i t a l i t y m a r k e t
L’arredo compLeTo
per Le camere d’aLbergo
un design che infonde alle camere d’albergo il piacere dell’arredo, il gusto
dell’ospitalità e uno stile esemplare per dare personalità all’ambiente. dielle
crea un arredamento completo in diverse tipologie classiche e moderne, oltre
a collezioni per la casa: living, zona notte e camere dei ragazzi.
FuLL FurnisHings For HoTeL rooms
design fills hotel rooms with tasteful hospitality, perfect style, and the pleasure of the
perfect furnishings giving the room personal style. dielle offers complete furnishings,
from traditional to modern, as well as collections for your home: living areas, bedrooms,
and children’s rooms.