Delta Light Belgium Lead time 60 days

Catalogue Delta Light: Soliscape, page 66 of 92

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Product configuration
5 Solicape compositions of

4 x circular Soliscape with
each 4 x Soli-52 20°

1 x Soliscape configuration with
2 x 900mm diameter round curves

4 x Soli-Shhh panels

4 x Soli-52 45° + Honeycomb

Spotlighting dimmed or at full power according to activity tracking in the room
Integrated sensoring & control:
Daylight sensoring

Light is dimmed or at full power based on activity
tracking in the lounge area or at the reception desk.

Soliscape connects with the HVAC system to provide
ideal heating / cooling and ventilation.

Multimedia and sound adapted based on hour of the day and activity in the room