Delta Light Belgium Lead time 60 days

Catalogue Delta Light: Soliscape, page 6 of 92

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In a world that is in a state of
constant evolution, where cutting-
edge technology brings new ways
of interacting and experiencing,
we know that the physical need
for buildings to live and work in
will remain. Rather than staying
static, buildings are more and
more becoming a reflection of
what humans crave in their daily
lives and a response to many new
economic, environmental and
social movements. Office buildings
have throughout the years gone
through many transformations.
From the large private offices to the
private, enclosed workstations to
the recent opening up of the office,
encouraging collaborative work.
Headquarters have dematerialized
over time, now being split between
the office, the home and third places.

Only happy employees are efficient
employees. The right lighting is
crucial in that process, as light
affects almost all vital processes in
the human body, and also has an
impact on people’s performance,
health, safety and sense of well-
being. Quality characteristics of light,
as well as options to adapt lighting
conditions to the environment
and personal needs, are of decisive
“We believe that human health
and wellbeing form the impetus
for a new era of design, and that
the incorporation of new and
emerging technologies in the built
environment plays a central role in
this. It is not the hardware or the
software itself that interests me,
but how it can be applied within
architecture and urban design to
improve our daily lives.”
Ben van Berkel