Connubia Italy Lead time 60 days

Catalogue Connubia: Outdoor 2021, page 64 of 99

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Bayo polipropilene | polypropylene CB1983 sedia | P8L
timo opaco - chair P8L matt thyme green CB2119 sedia con
braccioli | P9L limone opaco - armchair | P9L matt lemon
yellow CB1984 sgabello | P7L zafferano opaco - stool | P7L
matt saffron yellow CB1985 sgabello | P94 bianco ottico
opaco - stool | P94 matt optic white
Bayo CB2119 sedie con braccioli | polipropilene P8L timo opaco - armchairs | polypropylene P8L matt thyme green
sedie e sgabelli | chairs and stools