Connubia Italy Lead time 60 days

Catalogue Connubia: Outdoor 2021, page 28 of 99

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Stulle CB3500-3P E divano | metallo P94 bianco ottico opaco / tessuto Maui SPW sabbia melange - sofa | metal P94 matt optic white /
Maui fabric SPW sand melange Sunny CB3506-E cuscino | tessuto Maui SPW sabbia melange - throw pillow | Maui fabric SPW sand
melange Sunny CB3507-E cuscino | tessuto Tonga SQE sabbia decor - throw pillow | Tonga fabric SQE sand decor Stulle CB5209-P E
tavolino fisso | metallo P94 bianco ottico opaco / laminato stratificato (HPL) con anima nera P97W fango - coffee table | metal P94
matt optic white / stratified laminate (HPL) with black core P97W mud brown Voyager CB7252-B E tappeto | polipropilene antracite -
rug | polypropylene anthracite grey
collezione | collection