Connubia Italy Lead time 60 days

Catalogue Connubia: General 2020, page 89 of 303

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Yo! CB4805-FR 200 tavolo fisso in legno e metallo | wooden and metal non-extending table
faggio P02 faggio sbiancato - P9L limone opaco
beech P02 bleached beechwood - P9L lemon yellow
Yo! CB5210 panca in legno e metallo | wooden and metal bench
faggio P02 faggio sbiancato - P9L limone opaco / tessuto Plain SKT limone
beech P02 bleached beechwood - P9L lemon yellow / Plain fabric SKT lemon yellow
Yo! tavolo fisso in legno e metallo |
wooden and metal non-extending table
CB4805-FR 200 faggio P02 faggio sbiancato - P9L limone opaco
beech P02 bleached beechwood - P9L lemon yellow
collezione | collection