Connubia Italy Lead time 60 days

Catalogue Connubia: General 2020, page 74 of 303

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Tuka sedie | chairs
CB1993 metallo P7L zafferano opaco / tessuto Mat SLM zafferano
metal P7L matt saffron yellow / Mat fabric SLM saffron yellow
CB2117 faggio P132 grafite / tessuto Cros SLG timo
beech P132 graphite / Cros fabric SLG thyme green
CB1997 | 55x56 H88 HS65 cm
CB1998 | 55x56 H98 HS76 cm
CB1994 | 46x57 H81 cm
CB2117 | 55x56 H76 HB65 cm
CB2113 | 69x67 H80 cm
CB1995 | 55x56 H88 HS65 cm
CB1996 | 55x56 H98 HS76 cm
CB1993 | 46x57 H81 cm
CB1999 | 55x56 H76 HB65 cm
CB2114 | 69x67 H80 cm
sedie e sgabelli | chairs and stools