Connubia Italy Lead time 60 days

Catalogue Connubia: General 2020, page 71 of 303

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Tria tavoli fissi | non-extending tables
CB4807-FR 200 faggio P02 faggio sbiancato / metallo P9L limone opaco
beech P02 bleached beechwood / metal P9L matt lemon yellow
CB4807-FR 160 faggio P132 grafite / metallo P7L zafferano opaco
beech P132 graphite / metal P7L matt saffron yellow
CB4807-FD 120 faggio P02 faggio sbiancato / metallo P94 bianco ottico opaco
beech P02 bleached beechwood / metal P94 matt optic white
tavoli fi ssi e allungabili | extending and non-extending tables