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Catalogue Connubia: General 2020, page 236 of 303

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Pentagon CB4797-R tavolo allungabile | extending table
metallo P94 bianco ottico opaco / vetro temprato GEW serigrafato extrachiaro
metal P94 matt optic white / tempered glass GEW frosted extraclear
Academy CB1664 sedia | chair
metallo P3L rosso ossido opaco / polipropilene P3L rosso ossido opaco
metal P3L matt oxide red / polypropylene P3L matt oxide red
Pentagon CB4797-R tavolo allungabile | extending table
metallo P94 bianco ottico opaco / vetro temprato GEW serigrafato extrachiaro
metal P94 matt optic white / tempered glass GEW frosted extraclear
ALLUNGA MANUALE tavolo allungabile con meccanismo manuale; le allunghe
vengono sollevate e posizionate all’altezza del piano principale.
MANUAL EXTENSION extendable table with manual mechanism; the extensions are
manually lifted and aligned with the top.
tavoli fi ssi e allungabili | extending and non-extending tables