Confortplus Italy Lead time 60 days

Catalogue Confortplus: Modulo Collection 2021, page 20 of 23

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E’rivestito in tessuto poliestere trapuntato. Fascia traspirante per fa-
cilitare l’aerazione. E’ completamente sfoderabile. E’ fornito di serie.
Il est revêtu en tissu polyesthère piqué. Bande 3D respirante pour fa-
ciliter l’aeration. Complètement déhoussable. IL est fourni standard.
It is covered with quilted polyesther fabric. Lateral breathable belt for
a better dispersion of humidity. Cover fully removable. It is standard
E’rivestito in tessuto poliestere trapuntato. Fascia traspirante per fa-
cilitare l’aerazione. E’ completamente sfoderabile. E’ fornito di serie.
Il est revêtu en tissu polyesthère piqué. Bande 3D respirante pour fa-
ciliter l’aeration. Complètement déhoussable. IL est fourni standard.
It is covered with quilted polyesther fabric. Lateral breathable belt for
a better dispersion of humidity. Cover fully removable. It is standard
È rivestito in tessuto Silver trapuntato, anti-acaro, antibatterico. Fa-
scia traspirante per facilitare l’aerazione. E’ completamente sfodera-
bile. E’ un optional a richiesta.
Il est revêtu en tissu Silver piqué, antiacarien, antibacterien. Bande
3D respirante pour faciliter l’aeration. Complètement déhoussable.
IL est une option à demander.
Covered with quilted, bacterical and mite proof Silver fabric. Lateral
breathable belt for a better dispersion of humidity. Cover fully remo-
vable. It is an option to require.
È rivestito in tessuto Silver trapuntato, anti-acaro, antibatterico. Fa-
scia traspirante per facilitare l’aerazione. E’ completamente sfodera-
bile. E’ un optional a richiesta.
Il est revêtu en tissu Silver piqué, antiacarien, antibacterien. Bande
3D respirante pour faciliter l’aeration. Complètement déhoussable.
IL est une option à demander.
Covered with quilted, bacterical and mite proof Silver fabric. Lateral
breathable belt for a better dispersion of humidity. Cover fully remo-
vable. It is an option to require.
Airfoam 14
Airfoam 18
Airgel 14
Airgel 18

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