Composit Italy Lead time 60 days

Catalogue Composit: Materia-HD, page 8 of 9

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Protagonista della cucina
Linea è l’anta Natural Wood
in abete multicolor.
Materiale naturale in 3 strati dove
la matericità e l’imperfezione del
legno riciclato evidenziano tutti
gli effetti del tempo.
Completano la composizione
pensili e colonne in vetro satinato
laccato opaco nero e top con
fondale in acciaio vintage.
Main character of Linea kitchen
is the Natural Wood door in
multicolour finish. It is composed
by a 3 layers natural material
where the materiality and the
imperfections of recycled wood
shows all the effects of time.
Completing the composition there
are wall units and tall cabinets
with black matt lacquered glass
and worktop and backsplash in
vintage steel.