Colico Italy Lead time 60 days

Catalogue Colico: Outdoor 2022, page 28 of 35

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Poltrona AsamiArmchair con struttura in
metacrilato trasparente e cuscini rivestiti
in tessuto rigato outdoor Sunbrella, colore
bianco e nero.
AsamiArmchair with transparent methacrylate
frame and Sunbrella outdoor fabric
upholstered cushions, black and white striped
design M. Guerini, M. Vernocchi
Poltrona con struttura in metacrilato, cuscini
schienale e seduta rivestiti in tessuto o
ecopelle idrorepellenti. Disponibile in diversi
colori e categorie.
Armchair with methacrylate frame, seat and
back cushions upholstered with waterproof
fabric or artificial leather. Available in different
colors and categories.