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Catalogue Colico: Outdoor 2022, page 11 of 35

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Lettino con struttura reclinabile in legno
di teak, imbottitura interna in fibra di
paineira rivestita in tessuto idrorepellente,
sfoderabile. Disponibile in diversi colori.
Sunbed with reclining teak wood frame,
paineira fiber stuffing upholstered with
removable waterproof fabric. Available in
different colours.
design G. Azzarello
Lettino ExitSunbed con struttura in legno di
teak, imbottitura e cuscino decorativo con
rivestimento in tessuto outdoor Sunbrella,
colore bianco.
Sullo sfondo lettino doppio ExitSunbed.2.
ExitSunbed with teak wood frame, stuffing
and decorative cushion upholstered with
outdoor fabric Sunbrella, white colour.
On the background double sunbed