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Catalogue ClassiCon: Catalogue 2020, page 101 of 152

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Responsibility foR masteRful designs
The Classic Collection by ClassiCon
ClassiCon pRoduCes and maRkets eileen
gRay designs undeR liCenCe fRom the
WoRld liCenCe holdeR aRam designs ltd.,
london. in the 1970s eileen gRay began
WoRking With Zeev aRam to put heR fuRni-
tuRe, Rugs and lamps into seRies pRoduC-
tion. in 1973 she gRanted the WoRldWide
Rights to manufaCtuRe and distRibute heR
designs to aRam designs ltd., london.

We pay RespeCt to the histoRiCal
signifiCanCe of these design ClassiCs by
pRoduCing them in fiRst-Class quality,
absolutely tRue to the oRiginals. as
testament to theiR quality, eaCh pieCe
of fuRnituRe in ouR ClassiC ColleCtion
is indelibly maRked and numbeRed
ConseCutively. the ClassiCon signatuRe
pRovides a guaRantee that only high-
gRade mateRials and methods aRe used
in pRoduCtion – meeting all eCologiCal
RequiRements – and that eveRy pieCe of
fuRnituRe has passed stRiCt quality
ContRols. ouR logo offeRs the assuRanCe
that eaCh pRoduCt is authentiC to the
oRiginal, made With the Consent and
supeRvision of the Rights holdeRs.
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