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Catalogue CIAC Cosmopolitan Home: Villa Olga Home Books Vol.2, page 9 of 141

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Ground floor
Первый этаж
The Villa Olga renovation project took life from the briefing of a sophisticated and careful client,
who asked Cosmopolitan Home to undertake a restoration project centered on preserving
all existing aesthetic features, both in the architecture and the restoration of the landscape and
botanical park. The project team responded by accepting the challenge of a meticulous and
technologically flawless restoration, where interiors and exteriors saw the maximum reuse of the
original materials. This first fundamental request, was immediately supported by the study of the
housing needs of the client, a large family that loves receiving many guests during the summer.
The volume not being able to increase, the space was deeply revised, while respecting the
existing, internal distribution, aimed at creating a large night time area.
Regarding the exterior, these are the main Project highlights:
- Keep the main entrance in its original position, enhancing it with new materials, new, more
functional forms, and fine finishing.
- Restore and improve the grounds of the villa, while preserving the botanical garden and
recreating the original ecosystem, now deteriorated.
- Keep the size and shape of the existing pool intact with the aim of fully preserving the green
space. The only intervention in the pool area was creating a living area next to the water.
- Keep the body of the villa and outbuildings intact in form and original decoration.
- Change the intended use of the annex, originally used as a warehouse and later as a garage,
creating an outbuilding for the accommodation of service staff and officers of the security service.
- Between the annex and the villa, create an area to be used as a garage, conveniently screened
by wooden pergolas.
- Where possible, create light metallic structures to be covered in greenery to shade the
walkways and entrance.