As for the interior, these are the main highlights:
- Safeguard where possible all original artistic and decorative features-from the floors to the
painting and decoration of walls and ceilings – and revisiting them where necessary based on
the existing items and documentation available.
- Keep intact - to the fullest extent - the original architectural structure. In the living areas on
the ground floor, the salons are left unchanged in shape and size, creating in the smaller areas a
bedroom and bathroom for the older members of the family and a study/guest room, also with
its bathroom. Create a small half bathroom at the entrance and restore the entire kitchen area.
- Total revision of the sleeping area on the first floor, thus creating more bedrooms with
bathrooms. Emphasis is placed on the accommodation of two double master bedrooms.
- Total revision of the basement area, adapting to the highest standards in technological
management and functionality, and creating a small Wellness / Fitness area.
The project is developed along these guidelines, and work is done using skilled local workers.
During construction, the project evolved in accordance with the original brief and the
administrative rules for protection of buildings and the landscape. The architect Stefano Vanni
- project art director and staff member of Cosmopolitan Home-and the owner have pursued
consistent and productive communication, from which came more changes and improvements.
First floor
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