Chelini Italy Lead time 90 days

Catalogue Chelini: Atmosferes, page 151 of 232

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Piantana art. 2072
Poltrona art. 1200
Tavolino da salotto art. 1247
Divano art. 1104
Colonna art. 1062/C
Busto art. 241
Testa di cavallo art. 988
Candeliere art. 1166/C con scartoccio
Tavolino art. 2084/G
Candelieri sul tavolino:
art. 2086/CP, art. 2092/C, art. 928/C , art. 615/C, art.
1166/C, art. 868/CP, art. 925/C, art. 919/C, art. 609/C,
art. 1054/C, art. 1078/CP
Floor-lamp ref . 2072
Armchair ref. 1200
Coffee-table ref. 1247
Sofa ref. 1104
Column ref. 1062/C
Torso ref. 241
Horse-head ref.988
Candle-holder ref. 1166/C with glass-chimney
Side-table ref. 2084/G
Candle-holders on the side-table:
ref. 2086/CP, ref. 2092/C, ref. 928/C , ref. 615/C, ref.
1166/C, ref. 868/CP, ref. 925/C, ref. 919/C, ref. 609/C,
ref. 1054/C, ref. 1078/CP