Chelini Italy Lead time 90 days

Catalogue Chelini: Atmosferes, page 148 of 232

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Base tavolo art. 1012 con piano art. 6010
Sedie art. 2063/P
Lampadario art. 1036/M
Candeliere art. 1166/C con scartoccio
Table base ref. 1012 with top ref. 6010
Chair ref. 2063/P
Chandelier ref. 1036/M
Candle-holder ref. 1166/C with glass-chimney
Base tavolo Art. 204 con piano tavolo art.6003
Sedie art. 2063/P
Lampadario art. 1036/M
Candeliere art. 1166/C con scartoccio
Colonna art. 1062/C
Flambeau art. 93/C
Table base ref. 204 with wooden top ref. 6003
Chair ref. 2063/P
Chandelier ref. 1036/M
Candle-holder ref. 1166/C with glass-chimney
Column ref. 1062/C
Candle-holder ref. 93/C