Chelini Italy Lead time 90 days

Catalogue Chelini: Atmosferes, page 105 of 232

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Testata letto art. 2114
Sommier art. 2105
Set biancheria letto con copripiumino art. 70001
Lampada art. 2086/G
Scultura art. 145
Cassettone art. 2128
Candeliere art. 93/C
Portaritratto art. 634/PO
Cornice art. 265/P
Poltrona art. 1009/G
Headboard ref. 2114
Springbox ref. 2105
Bed linen set with duvet cover art. 70001
Lamp ref. 2086/G
Sculpture ref. 145
Chest of drawers ref. 2128
Candle holder ref. 93/C
Picture frame ref. 634/PO
Frame ref. 265/P
Armchair ref. 1009/G