Ceppi Style Italy Lead time 60 days

Catalogue Ceppi Style: Technical Book, page 11 of 469

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Art. 3304
Secretaire cm.121/105x45,5x110h. completo di ribaltina e cassettini rivestiti
in velluto, finitura ebano e radica di frassino con inseriti in madreperla, con
dettagli argento sulle gambe e sul top, completo di preziosa applicazione
floreale a rilievo composto da preziose madreperla, perle, abalone e ametista
Sécrétarie with flap and small drawers with velvet upholstery inside,
ebony and olive ash-wood briar finishing with mother-of-pearl inserts,
with silver details on legs and structure, with precious central application
made of mother-of-pearl, pearls, abalone and amethyst