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Catalogue Cassina: Lighting Collection 2024, page 5 of 22

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The Cassina Perspective
Lighting Collection
Avant-garde, authenticity, excellence, a fusion of technological skills and local artisan craftsmanship.
The Cassina identity is built on solid, shared values that express the best in Italian and international
design with a consistent, recognizable and erudite stylistic language. Cassina successfully brings
together culture, artisan craftsmanship and industry, reconciling memory and exploration, austerity
and emotion, uniqueness and experimentation, while interpreting the trends of everyday life through
ongoing aesthetic investigation. With an independent, pioneering spirit, for nearly 100 years the
Meda-based company has charted an innovative course – through intuition and foresight – in the
world of design and interior decor. In the Italy of the 1950s, Cassina ushered in industrial design based
on an entirely new approach that marked the transition from artisan handicraft to mass production.
It was the first company to engage the most forward-thinking designers and architects in the narration
– through new shapes, styles and influences – of contemporary architecture and design. The only one
Avanguardia, autenticità, eccellenza,
connubio di capacità tecnologica e sapienza
manuale locale. L’identità di Cassina si è costruita
su valori solidi e condivisi, per esprimere il meglio
del design italiano e internazionale con un
linguaggio coerente, riconoscibile, colto. Cassina
ha saputo far interagire cultura, artigianato e
industria, conciliando memoria e ricerca, rigore
ed emozione, unicità e sperimentazione, e
interpretando le tendenze della quotidianità grazie
a un lavoro costante di ricerca estetica. Con spirito
Avant-garde, authenticité, excellence
mêlant capacité technologique et savoir manuel
local. L’identité de Cassina s’est construite sur
des valeurs solides et partagées, pour exprimer
le meilleur du design italien et international
avec un langage cohérent, reconnaissable
et cultivé. Cassina a su faire interagir culture,
artisanat et industrie, en conciliant mémoire et
recherche, rigueur et émotion, singularité et
expérimentation, et en interprétant les tendances
du quotidien grâce à un travail constant de
Avantgarde, Authentizität, Exzellenz, eine
Kombination aus technischem Können und lokaler
Handwerkskunst. Die Identität von Cassina wurde
auf soliden, gemeinsamen Werten aufgebaut, um
das Beste des italienischen und internationalen
Designs mit einer kohärenten, erkennbaren und
kultivierten Sprache auszudrücken. Cassina hat
es verstanden, Kultur, Handwerk und Industrie zu
vereinen, indem sie Erinnerung und Forschung,
Präzision und Emotion, Einzigartigkeit und
Experimentierfreude miteinander in Einklang