B r a n d o
David Casadesús
La colección de sillón y sofá Brando
presenta un diseño estéticamente
intemporal fabricada con los materiales
y las piezas más actuales. Eso permite
adaptarla a cualquier espacio.
Presenta dos tipos de acabado en cuanto
a su estructura metálica: cromo brillo
o cromo mate.
The collection Brando sofa and armchair
is conceived as a whole of modern
design (materials and fi nish) and timeless
appearance, relating to the pure aesthetic
aspect. This makes it suitable for the
world of contract as well as the home. The
metallic parts are available in two different
fi nishes: bright chrome or dull chrome.
B u t a c a s | A r m c h a i r s
p. 345