Cappelletti has been designing and producing classic luxury furniture and
brass furnishing accessories and components since 1956. Its markets of refe-
rence have always been the Far East and Middle East, Asia and the Americas.
For years the undisputed leader in brass and fine metal furniture combined
with traditional furnishing materials, for some time the company from Cantù
has also been active in the contract sector.
Over all these years, Tino Cappelletti, the company owner, has given his pro-
ducts a unique, personal and unmistakable style that has been such an in-
spiration to so many people that it’s become known as the “Cappelletti style”:
rich, sophisticated and eye-catching, designed for someone who desires lu-
xury and excellence in furnishing.
To achieve these results, Cappelletti has always invested in research and de-
velopment. All its products are based on original designs by designers of pro-
ven creativity, experience and character who work with cabinet-makers,
painters, and sculptors. These latter figures would be unusual in any other
furniture company, but are of vital importance for the final result.
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