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Catalogue Capo d′Opera: Bath Collection 2016, page 83 of 85

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Thanks to:
1380 - Trediciottanta
Compasso design
Latitudini mobili
Max Colombo
Voltolina Classic light
2016© Capod’opera
All rights reserved
Capod’opera si riserva di apportare, senza preavviso, modifiche nei materiali, nelle finiture e nei disegni dei prodotti presentati in questo catalogo.
Le texture ed i colori dei materiali e delle finiture hanno valore indicativo in quanto soggetti alle tolleranze dei processi di stampa.
Capod’opera reserves the right to change, without previous notice, materials, finishes and product designs presented in this catalogue.
The textures and the colours of materials and finishes are indicative as they are depending on the tolerances of the printing process.