“When sketching the concepts, my goal was to
achieve a balance between light and the other
products in the home and illustrate their narrative
through poetry and symbols of living.”
Nature and its life-giving beauty and strength serve
as the model for a unique lighting concept called Ivy.
Just as the plant grows and climbs up the walls of
a house, creating multiple images, Ivy offers a special
system of modular components, thanks to which it
can be used to achieve a highly innovative take on
decorative lighting in both vertical and horizontal
compositions. The collection features three sizes
in opal or smoke glass.
Variable, elegant, and precise in workmanship down
to the smallest detail, Ivy is a high-tech lighting
concept well suited to both commercial and residential
applications. In intimate home settings, for example,
a single branch can be used. The elegant branches
can be hung separately or joined together to create
a curtain of light, as they do for the Das Haus
installation, where Ivy forms a notional curtain above
a deeply inset bathtub. The number of branches
and lights hanging from them is so variable that Ivy
becomes a modular building set for adults, a high-tech
plaything with maximum functionality.
The materials used to manufacture Ivy make it
ideal both for bathroom interiors as well as outdoor
installations. Ivy imparts an unexpected dynamic to
its surroundings – a touch of elegance and, namely,
a charming illumination.
Ivy has many forms and justly takes its place among
artistic, so-called bespoke, lighting installations.
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