The word contemporary means ‘of the moment’, making the style really hard to define. Dating back to the 1970s, this style is
unique because it borrows elements from many other movements and styles. In it, you can see inclinations to modern, traditional,
art deco and even futuristic design. A contemporary design style of decoration is defined by simplicity, subtle sophistication,
deliberate use of texture and clean lines. The contemporary interior is filled with space instead of things. They focus on colour,
space and shape, and are sleek and fresh. A Contemporary home’s floor is bare and smooth, using wood, tile or vinyl.
Contemporary Design
Contemporary Style
Contemporary Furniture
Contemporary Decor
Contemporary Home
Contemporary Living
Contemporary Interiors
1. SAYA mirror; 2. HANOI screen; 3.Illustration by Eric Fischl; 4. SIKA RARE I armchair; 5. CYPRES floor light; 6. ERUPTION wall fire; 7. TACCA center
table; 8. Illustration by Kitty Sabatier; 9. VELLUM wall light; 10.Ilustration by Satsuki Shibuya