Borselius & Bernstrand | 2O17 – 2O19
BOB JOB makes job easy
Bob Job caters for a cosy laid-back working spirit. Why not
bring out the laptop or engage in animated brainstorming?
Bob Job makes the Bob sofa system by Blå Station even more
flexible with a series of well-crafted add-ons. The horizontal
side tables in solid wood displays three open shelves, and an
additional vertical volume is the perfect container for plants
and flowers. Both offer integrated electrical outlets for charging
phones and computers. Sit down with your laptop, or have a
coffee browsing magazines and books exposed in the shelves.
Furthermore, there are elegantly shaped add-on tables in
different sizes to be used for work and leisure.
Thomas Bernstrand and Stefan Borselius has also added
sound absorbing screen partitions in different heights and
sizes to allow for privacy and secluded spaces for
conversations, a perfect solution both in public spaces and
open offices. The sound absorbing partitions can be ordered
double or single width, and in three diverse heights. Place the
partitions at the outer edge, or in between sections. All tables
and knobs can readily be affixed on one or both side of a
partition. Bob Light makes sure you have sufficiant light for read-
ing or working, comes in three different vesions. The Bob sofa
system also offers add-on steel tables, which can be affixed
between the modular elements, as well as the freestanding Jack
table, which can double as a hub connected to the electric
outlets of Bob. There is an add-on plint that offers a raised
version of Bob for public spaces.