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Catalogue Billiani: Puccio Collection 2023, page 5 of 11

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Puccio Collection
Puccio 714 Sgabello e 716 Panchetta in acciaio laccato RAL 3012
e frassino tinto tabacco, Puccio 721 Tavolo in acciaio laccato
RAL 3012 e frassino tinto RAL 1015
/ Puccio 714 Stool and 716 Bench in RAL 3012 lacquered steel
and tobacco stained ashwood, Puccio 721 Table in RAL 3012
lacquered steel and RAL 1015 stained ashwood
Panchetta ⁄ Bench
Sgabello ⁄ Stool
Tavolo ⁄ Table